War reports in Ukraine
In March-April 2022, 2 weeks after the Russian invasion, "Prix Albert Londres"-awarded writer Cédric Gras and I left for Ukraine. Hereby a few links to our work over there.
On our way to Odessa: Veillée d’armes à Odessa, Capsule pour le JT de 19h30
Getting out of the country along migrants: Moldavia at the margins of havoc
Crossing marginalized pro-Russian Transnisitria: Transnistria and the Russian temptation
Embedded within French and Belgian NATO task force on the Romanian border, focusing on the 27e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins from Annecy: A new wave at the NATO base in Romania
A perspective on Russian language future: La langue russe va-t-elle disparaître d’Ukraine ?